All the Books Reviewed

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Adams, Henry, The Education of Henry Adams

Albom, Mitch, Tuesdays with Morrie

Albom, Mitch, the next person you meet in heaven

Albright, Madeleine, Hell, and Other Destinations

Ali, Muhammad, The Soul of a Butterfly

Alexie, Sherman, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

Allen, James, As a Man Thinketh

Angelou, Maya, I Shall Not Be Moved

Angelou, Maya, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings  

Angelou, Maya, Even The Stars Look Lonesome

Angelou, Maya, Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey Now

Achebe, Chinua, Things fall apart

Achebe, Chinua, Home, and Exile

Abbott, Edwin A. Flatland

Anson, Robert Sam, Exile: The Unquiet Oblivion of Richard M. Nixon

Atkinson, Gordon, Turtles All The Way Down

     Backman, Fredrik, A Man Called Ove  

           Backman, Fredrik, Way Gets Longer 

    Backman, Fredrik,  Us Against You

       Backman, Fredrik, The Deal of a Lifetime 

  Backman, Fredrik, Anxious People  

     Backman, Fredrik, Beartown

Baldacci, David The 6:20 Man

Baldacci, David Daylight

Baldacci, David, Split Second

Baldacci, David Walk The Wire

Baldaci, David No Time Left

Baldacci, David, One Summer

Baldacci, David, Memory Man

Baldacci, David One Good Deed

Baldacci, David, The Fix

Baldacci, David, The Simple Truth

Baldacci, David, Simple Genius

Baldacci, David, Total Control

Baldacci, David, The Hit

Baldacci, David, Last Man Standing

Baldacci, David, No Man’s Land

Baldacci, David, First Family Baldacci,

Baldacci David, Long Road to Mercy

Baldacci, David, The Winner

Bales, David, A., Art & Fear

Barry, Dave, Lessons From Lucy

Barton, Fiona, The Widow

Balzac, Honore de, The Unknown Masterpiece

Beah, Ishmael, A long way gone

Blake, William, The Marriage of Heaven & Hell

Beowulf, (Author Unknown)

Blakeslee, Nate, American Wolf

Bloom, Harold, Genius

Bloom, Harold,  How to Read a Book & Why

Bloom, Harold, Shakespeare, The Invention of the Human

Bloom, Harold, The Western Canon

Bloom, Harold, Falstaff

Bloom, Harold, Hamlet

Bogel, Anne, I’d Rather Be Reading

Bogel, Anne, Don’t Overthink It

Lisa Rogak, Lisa, Rachel Maddow - A Biography

Buckley, William F. Jr., God & Man at Yale

Buckley, William F. Jr.  Miles Gone By

Buckley, William F. Jr.,Torch Kept Lit

Buck, Pearl S. The Good Earth

Burton, Betsy The Kings English

Basbanes, Nicholas, Among the Gently Mad

Brooks, Colette, In the City, Random Acts of Awareness

Bryson, Bill, A Short History of Nearly Everything

Bryson, Bill, The Lost Continent

Brown, David Blayney, Romanticism

Bununin, Ben, Put A Cherry On Top,

Deepak, Overcoming Addiction Gaimen, Neil

Cameron,Julie, The Artist Way

Carnegie, Dale, How To Win Friends & Influence People

Cook, Roy J. One-Hundred and One Famous Poems

Camas, Albert, The Stranger

Choldenko, Gennifer, Al Capone Does My Shirts 

Chiang, Ted, Stories Of Your Life & Others

Child, Lee, Bad Luck and Trouble

Child, Lee, Jack Reacher, The Hard Way

Child, Lee, Jack Reacher, Running Blind

Child,Lee, Jack Reacher, The Visitor

Child, Lee, Jack Reacher, Wanted Man

Child, Lee, Jack Reacher, Personal

Child, Lee, Jack Reacher, The Enemy

Child, Lee, Jack Reacher, Gone Tomorrow

Child, Lee, Jack Reacher, Never Go Back

Child, Lee, Jack Reacher, One Shot

Child, Lee, Jack Reacher, The Affair

Lee Child, Killing Floor

Child, Lee, Jack Reacher, Echo Burning

Child, Lee, Tripwire

Child, Lee, Jack Reacher, The Midnight line

Child, Lee, Jack Reacher, Die Trying

Child, Lee, Jack Reacher, 61 Hours

Child, Lee, Jack Reacher, Without Fail

Child, Lee, No Middle Name,

Child, Lee, Nothing To Lose

Child, Lee, Past Tense

Child, Lee, Jack Reacher, Blue Moon

Child, Lee The Complete Collected Jack Reacher Stories

Cleese, John, Creativity: A Short and Cheerful Guide

Clinton, Bill, Citizen: My Life After The White House

Connelly, Michael The Poet

Coben, Harlan, One False Move

Coben, Harlan Win

Coben, Harlan, Six Years

Coben, Harlan, Caught

Coben, Harlan, The Boy From The Woods

Coben, Harlan Missing You

Coben, Harlan, Run Away

Coben, Harlan, Fool Me Once

Coben, Harlan, The Stranger

Coben, Harlan, Home

Coben, Harlan, Stay Close

Connelly, Michael, Fair Warning

Connelly, Michael, The Poet

Connelly, Michael, Resurrection Walk

Connelly, Michael, The Wrong Side of Goodbye

Connelly, Michael, Dark Sacred Night

Connelly, Michael, The Black Box

Connelly, Michael, The Crossing

Connelly, Michael. The Drop

Connelly, Michael, The Waiting

Chesney, Will, No Ordinary Dog

Comey, James  A Higher Loyalty

Conroy, Pat, A Lowcountry Heart & Reflections on a Writing Life

Cooley, Martha, The Archivist

Corbin, Alice, Red Earth: Poems of New Mexico

Covey, Stephan R., 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Covey, Stephen The 8th Habit

Crouch, Blake Dark Matter

Covey, Stephen R., The 8th Habit From Effectiveness to Greatness

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, Crime and Punishment

Defede, Jim, The Day The World Came To Town 9/11 in Gander Newfoundland

David, Ron, Toni Morrison Explained

DE Kerangal, Maylis, The Heart

Dewey, John, How We Think

Demick, Barbara, Nothing to Envy Ordinary Lives in North Korea

Demick, Barbara Logavina Street , Life and Death in a Sarajevo Neighborhood

Deaver, Jeffery, The Never Game

Deaver, Jeffery, The Cutting Edge

DeFede, Jim The Day The World Came to Town

Dillard, Annie,The Writing Life

Dickens, Charles, A Tale of Two Cities

Dostoevsky, Fyoder, Notes From The Underground

Dostoevsky, Fyoder, Notes From The Underground

Doerr, Anthony, All The Light We Cannot See  

Durant, Will, Fallen Leaves

Eidam Klaus, The True Life of J.S. Bach

Eskens, Allen, The Life We Bury

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Self-Reliance and Other Essays

Faulkner, William, As I Lay Dying

Fey, Tina, Bossypants

Flynn, Gillian, Gone Girl

Foer, Joshua, Moonwalking with Einstein

Fisher, Kerry, The Silent Wife

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, The Great Gatsby

Finney, Jack From Time to Time

Finney, Jack Time and Again

Foster, Thomas, How To Read Literature Like A Professor

Frank, Anne, The Diary of a Young Girl

Goldman, William, Marathon Man

Gaiman, Neil, The Graveyard Book

Gaiman, Neil, View from the Cheap Seats     

Gaiman, Neil, American Gods 

Gaiman, Neil, Coraline

Gardner, Helen, The Art of T.S. Eliot 

Genova, Lisa, Still Alice

Genova, Lisa, Remember: The Science of Memory and the Art of Forgetting

Genova, Lisa, More or Less, Maddy

Genova, Lisa, Left Neglected

Genova, Lisa, Love Anthony

Genova, Lisa, Inside the O’Briens

Genova, Lisa, Every Note Played

Gelb, Michael J., How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci  

Gladwell, Malcolm, The Tipping Point

Gladwell, Malcolm, What The Dog Saw

Gladwell, Malcolm, blink

Goldberg, Natalie, Old Friend from Far Away

Goldberg, Natalie, Writing Down The Bones

Golding, William, The Lord of the Flies

Gopnik, Adam,  Paris to the Moon

Goodman, Carol, The Widow's House

Green, Hank An Absolutely Remarkable Thing

Green, Hank, A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor

Grandin, Temple ,Thinking in Picture

Grandin, Temple ,The Way I See Its  

Grandin, Temple, The Autistic Brain

Gregory, Danny, Art Before Breakfast

Greenberg, Joanne, I Never Promised you a Rose Garden

Greene, Robert, The Laws of Human Nature

Grishman, John, The Tumor

Grisham, John, The Guardians

Grisham, John The Racketeer

Grishman, John, The Innocent Man

Grisham, John, The Rainmaker

Grishman, John, The Reckoning

Grisham, John, The Firm

Grisham, John, The Whistler

Grisham, John, The Rooster Bar

Grisham, John, Camino Island 

Grisham, John, The Pelican Brief

Grohl, Dave The Storyteller

Hall, Trish, Writing To Persuade

Hanagarnes, Josh, The World's Strongest Librarian


Harari, Yuval Noah, Homo Deus  A Brief History of Tomorrow

Hadden, Mark, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime

Hawkings, Stephen, A Brief History of Time

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, The Great Stone Face

Heidegger, Martin, Being and Time

Hemingway, Ernest, The Sun Also Rises

Hanff, Helene, 84, Charing Cross Rad

Heller, Joseph, Catch-22

Hirsch, Reece, Dark Tomorrow

 Holtz, Lou, Winning Every Day

Homer, The Iliad

Hugo, Victor, Les Miserables

Hillerman, Tony, The Spell of New Mexico

Hillerman, Tony, The Shape Shifter

Hillerman, Tony, The Ghostway

Hunter, Susan, Dangerous Habits

Huxley, Aldous & Isherwood, Jacob’s Hands

Huxley, Aldous, Brave New World

Issacson, Walter, Einstein

Joyce, James, Ulysses

Joyce, Rachel, The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry

Jonasson, Jonas, The 100-year-old Man Who

Jones, Brent M., Why Life Stories Change, Are We a Result of Choice or Circumstance?

Jones, Brent M., Why Professionals Use LinkedIn

Jones, Brent M., Terminology Is More Than Words: How Terminology Shapes our Network, Career & More

Jonasson, Jonas The Accidental Further Adventures of the Hundred-Year-Old Man

Jamison, Kay Redfield, A Unquiet Mind

James, Henry, The Turn of a Screw

Jarvis, Chase, Creative Calling

Kafka, Franz, The Metamorphosis

Kalanith, Paul, When Breath Becomes Air

Karr, Mary, the Art of Memoir   

Kennedy, Caroline,  Best Loved Poems, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

Keyes, Daniel,Flowers for Algernon

Kidd, Sue Monk, The Secret Life of Bees

King Stephen Billy Summers

King, Stephen, Elevation

King, Stephen Lisey’s Story

King, Stephen - Holly

King, Stephen - Fairy Tale

King, Stephen, Desperation

King, Stephen, Bazaar of Bad Dreams

King, Stephen - Later

King, Stephen, Pet Sematary

King, Stephen, - The Gunslinger

King, Stephen - If It Bleeds

King, Stephen, - Dr. Sleep

King, Stephen - The Mist

King, Stephen, Misery a Novel

King, Stephen, Hearts in Atlantis

King, Stephen - The Dead Zone

King, Stephen - Thinner

King, Stephen the Institute

King, Stephen, Blockade Billy

King, Stephen, Cell a Novel

King, Stephen, Four Past Midnight

King, Stephen Apt Pupil

King, Stephen, The Body

King, Stephen, On Writing

King, Stephen, 11/22/63,  A Novel 

King, Stephen, Joyland

King, Stephen, Under the Dome

King, Stephen, IT a Novel  

King, Stephen, The Outsider

King, Stephen, Salem's Lot

King, Stephen, Gwendy’s Button Box

King, Stephen, The Stand

King, Stephen, Mr. Mercedes (Bill Hodges Trilogy)

King, Stephen, Finders Keepers (Bill Hodges Trilogy)

King, Stephen, End Of Watch King (Bill Hodges Trilogy)

King, Stephen, The Shining

King, Stephen, You Like It Darker - Stories

Kingsolver, Barbara, Prodigal Summer

Kingsolver, Barbara, The Poisonwood Bible

Kleon, Austin - In the future

Kleon, Austin, Show Your Work!

Kleon, Austin, Steal Like An Artist

Koontz, Dean, The City

Koontz, Dean, Ashley Bell

Koontz, Dean, Devoted

Koontz, Dean, Intensity

Koontz, Dean, Watchers

Koontz, Dean, Innocence

Koontz, Dean, Odd Hours

Koontz, Dean, The Forbidden Door

Koontz, Dean, The Husband

Koontz, Dean, The Good Guy

Koontz, Dean, The Taking

Koontz, Dean, The Crooked Staircase

Koontz, Dean, The Silent Corner

Koontz, Dean, The Neighbor

Koryta, Michael, Never Far Away

Thaler & Koval, The Power of Small

Krakauer, Jon, Into The Wild

Krum, Randy, Cool Infographics

Laing, Olivia, The Lonely City

Laurin, Nina, Girl Last Seen

Lamott, Anne, Bird by Bird

Laxalt, Robert, Sweet Promised Land

L’Amour Louis, Down The Long Hills

L'Amour, Louis, Smoke From This Altar

L’Amour, Louis, Hondo

L’Amour, Louis, Education of a Wandering Man  

L’Amour, Louis, The Empty Land

L’Amour, Louis, Mustang Man

L ”Amour, Louis, Yondering

L'Amour Angelique, A Trail of Memories

Lee, Hyeonseo, The Girl with Seven Names

Lettman, Herbert, Albert Camus in New York

Lehrer, Jonah, Imagine, How Creativity Works

London, Jack, The Call of the Wild

Leeming, David James Baldwin a Biography

Lewis, R.W.B., Dante

Lewis, C.S., The Pilgrim’s Regress

Lewis, C.S. Letters To Malcolm

 Lewis, C.S. The Weight of Glory

Lewis, C.S. Reflections of the Psalms

Lewis, C.S. The Great Divorce

Lewis, C.S. The Four Loves

Lewis, C.S. The Problem of Pain

Lewis C.S. A Grief Observed

Lewis, C.S., The Screwtape Letters

Lewis, C.S. An Experiment in Criticism

Lewis C.S., Till We All We Have Faces, A Myth Retold

Lewis, C.S., Mere Christianity

Lewis, C.S. Lewis, Surprised by Joy

Lippman, Laura The Lady In The Lake

London, Jack, The Call of the Wild

MacDonald, John D. A Deadly Shade of Gold: A Travis McGee Novel

McMahon, Sharon, The Small and the Mighty

Maddow, Rachel Blowout

Martini, Steve The Judge

Martin, Thomas L., Reading the Classics with C.S. Lewis

 Maran, Meredith (Editor), Why We Write About Ourselves

Markham, Felix. Napoleon

Mah, Adeline, Yen, Falling Leaves 

Mah, Adeline, Yen Watching the Tree

Martin, Thomas L., Reading the Classics w C.S. Lewis

Mendoza, Joseph, Overthinking in Relationships and Survivors of Alzheimer's: A Caregiver's Guide to Mental Health and Aging

Meyerson, Amy, The Bookshop of Yesterdays

McKeon, Richard, The Basic Works of Aristotle

McLaughlin & Kraus, The Nanny Diaries

Martin, Shannan, Falling Free

Martini, Steve. The Jury

Martini, Steve, The Judge

Melville, Herman, Moby-Dick

Miodownik, Mark. Stuff Matters

 Miller, Arthur, The Crucible  

Miller, Jonathan, Rattlesnake Lawyer

McCullough, David, John Adams

Morrison, Toni, Sula

Morrison, Toni, Tar Baby

Morrison, Toni, Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination

Nyuyen, Viet Thanh, The Sympathizer

Newman, Jerry, My Secret Life on the McJob

Nixon, Richard, Leaders

Noah, Trevor, Born A Crime

Nobel Lectures from the Literature Laureates, 1986 to 2006

Obama, Michelle, Becoming Michelle Obama

O’Brien, Greg, ON PLUTO, Inside the Mind of Altzheimers

Ondaatje, Michael, Warlight

Orlean, Susan, The Library Book

Orwell, George,  Why I Write  

Orwell, George, 1984

Orwell, George, Animal Farm

Orwell, George, Down & Out Paris & London

Owen, Delia, Where The Crawdads Sing

Park, Benjamin E., American Zion: A New History of Mormonism

Patterson & Bill Clinton, The President is Missing

Patterson, James, Kill Me If You Can

Patterson, James, Cross Fire

Patterson, James, Target

Patterson, James, 1st To Die

Patterson, James, Along Came A Spider

Patterson & Raymond, Humans Bow Down

Patterson, James & Marklund, Liza, The Postcard Killers

Patchett, Ann (intro): Read this!

Paulsen, Gary, Hatchet

Prose, Francine, Reading Like a Writer

Philbrick, Nathaniel, Why Read Moby Dick  

Poe, Edgar Allan, The Raven, and Other Poems

Quindlen Anna, How Reading Changed My Life

Quindlen, Anna, Write For Your Life

Rilke, Rainer Marie, Letters to a Young Poet

Sebold, Alice, The Lovely Bones 

  Stein, Gertrude, Pacasso

Steinbeck, John, Of Mice and Men

Steinbeck, John, Janius Maltby

Steinbeck, John, Travels with Charley

Steinbeck, John, Journal of a Novel

Steinbeck, John, Sweet Thursday

Steinbeck, John The Pearl

Stendhal, Love

Stendhal, The Red and the Black

See, Carolyn, Making a Literary Life

Suess, Dr. If I Ran The Zoo

Suess, Dr. The Cat in the Hat

 Seuss, Dr. Green Eggs & Ham

Suess, Dr. One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish,

Stanton, Brandon, Humans of New York

Stevenson, Robert Lewis, Treasure Island

Sinek, Simon, Start With Why

Sullivan, Matthew, Midnight at The Bright Ideas Bookstores    

Simsion, Graeme, the Rosie Project

Shute, Nevil,  A Town Like Alice   

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr,  One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich  

Styron, William, Darkness Visible a Memory of Madness

Taleb, Nassim Nicholas, The Black Swan,

Tangerine, Amy, Craft a Life You Love

Thoreau, Henry David, Walden

Tolstoy, Leo, War and Peace

Tolstoy, Leo, What Is Art?

Tompkins, Peter, The Secret Life of Plants

Truman, Margaret, First Ladies

Tzu, Sun, The Art of War

Candide, by Voltaire

Vance, J.D, Hillbilly Elegy  

Wallace, David Foster, String Theory

Woodward, Bob, War

Ware, Ruth, The Women in Cabin 10

Westover, Tara, Educated, A Memoir

White, Ronald C. Jr., Lincoln’s Greatest Speech the Second Inaugural

Wohlleben, Peter, The Hidden Life of Trees

Wodehouse, P.G., Laughing Gas

Yang, Kao Kalia, The Latehomecomer: A Hmong Family Memoir Review 

Zusak, Markus, The Book Thief

Zevin, Gabrielle, The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry