Poem: Kindness Reflected, by Brent M. Jones →
Kindness Reflected by Brent M. Jones
Pure love is kindness reflected and virtue defined.
Motive hurts, but the heart still rules, not the mind.
Goodness still comes from the heart, not the mind.
The Power of Pure Kindness Defines
Thoughts about this poem
Love and purity often go hand in hand, and this connection inspired me to delve into kindness. While kindness can sometimes be used as a front, genuine kindness must be pure, just like love. When love and kindness are combined, they create a force for good, guided by the heart. Although the heart is intangible, it's the defining factor behind everything, and pure kindness can change the world. Love is often mentioned as being pure, which influenced me to consider kindness as a subject for this poem.
Kindness is often a mask for the real motive, but to be accurate, it needs, like love, to be pure.
Love and kindness combined are goodness and are influenced by the heart. Unlike love and kindness, the heart is nothing but a reference to it that defines everything.
Did Destiny Bring Choices or Do Choices Become Destiny - by Brent M. Jones →
Are people in our lives Sent for a reason Coming to cause change
Serving a noble purpose Opening closed Doors Finding new ways, not the same.
Teaching new lessons Seeing new Solutions Not Fate but Purpose
Providence stems from Choices But Choices are Required When Destiny brings Change.
Thoughts about the Poem
Fate, change, and providence stem from choices, and those choices can enslave us or free us. If our choices create our destiny, then is it our destiny to make choices that change us?
Poem: Consider the Journey by Brent M. Jones →
Consider the Journey, by Brent M. Jones
The goodness of people found along the way
Some came for a reason; some blocked the way
Sun came, but then so did the rain
Peace was felt, but so was pain
I look ahead; clarity leaves me
Which path should I follow
Where is true light showing the way
Will mistakes still happen if I always do right
The journey is amazing
I need an anchor for the night
Embracing the Randomness
Hoping for Light
This poem came about as I wrote my book,
“Why Life Stories Change Are We the Result of Circumstance or Chance.”
Anamorphic Power of Tears (a Poem by Brent M. Jones →
“Tears fall like rain
Wisdom follows pain
Water flows, tears stain
Tears gone, without crying
Tears digested, considered wisdom
Some still regarded with disdain”
Is life the Road to Recovery? (a poem by Brent M. Jones →
Does life require us to fall Is life the road to recovery Is recovery the road called life
So when will we learn life’s lesson Does knowledge only come when we fall
Is life just a process
If we know what is needed Would we need to fall Does recovery bring knowledge
Knowing what was needed Does balance and wisdom Find the beginning
Feeling Alone Again, by Brent M. Jones →
Feeling Alone Again
I felt alone; I had no answers
A person came and filled the need
My progress was a concern
A person came and had a need.
Why did they come
How did they know
Are we all connected?
Please help me to know.
A Crown of Rust →
A Crown of Rust
By Brent M. Jones
Once a thing of class, Once a noble giant, Now sitting alone in the grass
Rusted from roof to ground Greatness can’t be restored The weather is no friend.
A new day, faded color With rust a crown that remains The rust some consider art,
Iron, steel, and water reveal Where reality stopped, art began
Thoughts about the Poem
Art is a searching process. People searching for something to create. Where do the artist’s thoughts take them when considering rusted-out automobiles or rusted-out anything?
The color of rust comes from the red family which is a very passionate color and charges the space bringing in lots of energy.
When we create something, we mentally navigate a space of possibilities, searching for a creative solution to evoke a desired sensation.
The choice of the creative instrument is essential, and rust is particularly fascinating: it conveys, not just the destination of the process, but the author's arrival for choice - the search itself.
#rRust #Rustinforms #RustArt #RustReflectsLife
The Dance of Thoughts, a Poem by Brent M. Jones →
The Dance of Thoughts
And when the day is done,
And the darkness has begun,
My thoughts become my guide,
Leading me to peace inside.
So let them dance and play,
These thoughts come my way.
For they are a part of me,
And in them, I am free.
The heart still rules,
A Brothers Poem for a Brother →
These poems were used to communicate with me some thoughts as we discussed life and poetry and were sent to me by my brother. At first, I was not sure of the source of this first one.
“Naked, they walk,
Without any shame
Drawn toward their masters,
Like moths to a flame
With his companions,
Perhaps because he hears
A different drummer.
Let him step to the music he hears,
However, measured or far away.”
by Jeff A. Jones
I asked my brother Jeff how he was doing. He just wrote back, included this poem above, and then sent the poem below as the likely source of his thoughts.
(this communication happened in the 1990s, and then in 2005, my brother passed away)
(this communication happened in the 1990s and then in 2005 my brother passed away)
Song of Light - A Poem →
Land, sea, and sky, reach out
Embraced by the old, touched by the light
Our new world gives light
The old world gone from sight
Memories sometimes fade
Are new friends new light
Life is short, families give us light
Truth is eternal
Desire to do right
Music's Flight ,by Brent M Jones →
Music's Flight
I love the sound, color, and the light I love the silence, that feels like night
I love the tone, when a touch is slight I love the feel of music, in flight I love the sound, color, and the light
Will We Meet Again and Will We Still Care? by Brent M. Jones →
“Will we meet again Have we met before Is it only now
Did we really meet before Is that the reason why We have met now
Did we care before Will we care again Is it only now”
Thoughts about this poem: Do relationship continue on after death and if they do then why wouldn’t they have been present before this life?
Goodness Revealed, by Brent M. Jones →
Goodness Revealed, by Brent M. Jones
The goodness of people
Is blurred with each day,
Life stories reveal what’s in the way.
Let goodness shine strongest
Pushing evil away
Consider the Journey, by Brent M. Jones →
The Poem: Consider the Journey
Consider the Journey
A Poem by Brent M. Jones
The goodness of people along the way The diversions not so clear Some came for a reason, some blocked the way.
Sun came, but so did rain Peace was felt, but so was pain When looking forward clarity leaves me
Which path should I follow today Where is the true light That shows the way
Will mistakes happen, if I do right The journey was amazing, I need an anchor for the night.
Embracing randomness is all I can do Breathe in the amazing, thankful For time spent with you.
Poetry is about feelings expressed →
The poet uses words to show the way The artist uses paint and clay.
Art informs the people Of what they think they see.
Poetry informs the feelings What the words say
Pictures are like poems Feelings bring memories.
Poetry is the thoughts That feelings for.m
Psalm 143:8
”Show me the way I should walk”
Aging Couple, by Brent M. Jones →
Aging Couple
I see you now Years and years gone by Differences treasured
Now more and more Time brings oneness Better now than before
Our hands touch I touch your face Just once more We embrace
Thoughts about this poem:
When an couple grows old together they grow close and they see each other more clearly, they love more deeply.
Poems by Brent M. Jones →
Poems by Brent M. Jones
Butterflies are Light
A butterfly chooses where to land.
Bringing light and beauty on its wings.
Light sitting, like a sunbeam.
Choosing when to leave
Help me, Lord
Memory fills the night. Help make my pain and memories light. In your arms, I find comfort. Please guide me in my days. Help me, Lord, this night.
The Trip
Challenge and wonder are along your path.
Each day, a new turn will attract what you ask.
Others may seek the beauty of your trail.
Focus on your journey and leave the destination for last.
Poems by Brent M. Jones →
Song of Tonight
No rage, just light. Embraced by the old Touched with the light Is the new world like the old.
Will memories die Memories of fathers Memories of families Memories of friends
Truth is eternal. Things will be right For now desire, Desire what is right.
Thank You for Coming
I asked for direction
You came into my life
I hurt you, you hurt me.
I learned I was wrong
I said I was sorry
Sorry I caused harm
You listened and helped
Our lives seem improved
Thank you for coming
Pure love is kindness reflected
and virtue defined
Motive hurts but the heart still rules,
Not the mind ,
Goodness still comes,
From the heart, not the mind
Poems by Brent M. Jones →
Life Story
Goodness of People Often blurs each day. Life stories reveal what's in the way.
Day Breaks
Day breaks, Leaving night behind
The light comes softly, A little at a time
Colors step from darkness
A new day for the sun to shine, Life continues with more time
Words to Verse
Feelings become words Through song and verse Heart and soul sings Expresses feelings With soulful words
Emotion Connects Thoughts
The Heart knows the Words. The Soul Connects with Verse
Painting the Desert
The Desert Canvas is Brown
Painted in Blue, Yellow and Green
Painted in Red and Brown All colors are welcome,
All Colors are found
Purple Sky
by Brent Jones