Music Through Calm Prevails - by Brent M. Jones (Poetry Section)

The notes connect, and the mind receives. The sounds of each bring comfort. From the piano keyboard, notes float away.

The mind receives as the notes connect. Each single note enters and expands. Bringing peace to the fabric of thought.

The music continues and shapes the thoughts. The notes combine building each other. The music replaces thought, bringing calm and peace.

Consider the Journey, by Brent M. Jones

The Poem: Consider the Journey

Consider the Journey

A Poem by Brent M. Jones

The goodness of people along the way The diversions not so clear Some came for a reason, some blocked the way.

Sun came, but so did rain Peace was felt, but so was pain When looking forward clarity leaves me

Which path should I follow today Where is the true light That shows the way

Will mistakes happen, if I do right The journey was amazing, I need an anchor for the night.

Embracing randomness is all I can do Breathe in the amazing, thankful For time spent with you.

Poems by Brent M. Jones

Song of Tonight

No rage, just light.          Embraced by the old Touched with the light    Is the new world like the old. 

Will memories die Memories of fathers Memories of families Memories of friends                    

Truth is eternal.              Things will be right        For now desire,            Desire what is right.


Thank You for Coming

I asked for direction
You came into my life
I hurt you, you hurt me.
I learned I was wrong

I said I was sorry
Sorry I caused harm
You listened and helped
Our lives seem improved
Thank you for coming



Pure love is kindness reflected

and virtue defined

Motive hurts but the heart still rules,

Not the mind ,

Goodness still comes,

From the heart, not the mind

Poems by Brent M. Jones

Life Story

Goodness of People Often blurs each day. Life stories reveal what's in the way.

Day Breaks

Day breaks, Leaving night behind
The light comes softly, A little at a time
Colors step from darkness
A new day for the sun to shine, Life continues with more time

Words to Verse

Feelings become words Through song and verse                 Heart and soul sings Expresses feelings With soulful words                

Emotion Connects Thoughts

The Heart knows the Words. The Soul Connects with Verse


Painting the Desert

The Desert Canvas is Brown
Painted in Blue, Yellow and Green
Painted in Red and Brown                   All colors are welcome,
All Colors are found

Purple Sky

by Brent Jones

Why a Purple Sky, Why are storms coming, When Is death near,
Will Royalty be coming