The Dance of Thoughts, a Poem by Brent M. Jones

The Dance of Thoughts

And when the day is done,

And the darkness has begun,

My thoughts become my guide,

Leading me to peace inside.

So let them dance and play,

These thoughts come my way.

For they are a part of me,

And in them, I am free.

The heart still rules,

The Power of Pure Kindness

Love and purity often go hand in hand, and this connection inspired me to delve into kindness. While kindness can sometimes be used as a front, genuine kindness must be pure, just like love. When love and kindness are combined, they create a force for good, guided by the heart. Although the heart is intangible, it's the defining factor behind everything, and pure kindness can change the world. Love is often mentioned as being pure, which influenced me to consider kindness as a subject for this poem.

Kindness is often a mask for the real motive, but to be accurate, it needs, like love, to be pure.

Love and kindness combined are goodness and are influenced by the heart. Unlike love and kindness, the heart is nothing but a reference to it that defines everything.

Quotes by Brent M. Jones (List)

Quotes by Brent M. Jones

"The goodness of people Is often blurred each day. The life story reveals what's in the way."

"Solutions of puzzles often require the recognition of patterns. Life is a puzzle!"

"I think therefore I am. "Really? Maybe the truth is, "You are. Therefore, you think."

"Sometimes beauty is not what is in front of you but what makes you think about and how it makes you feel."

"Nature brings us beauty as a filter for our minds and thoughts."

"The beauty of nature is felt first by the soul."

"Flowers are accessories added by the creator to what was already a masterpiece."

 "If your world is black and white, add flowers."

"Living Art brings an appreciation of Life."

"Nothing in life is guaranteed except change, and I guess that could change."

"The sunset brings color and delight to a day of thoughts. Thoughts follow Light."

"Spring, again and again, each year gives life meaning and points the way to living life to the fullest daily." 

"Sometimes the Higher Good is surrounded with darkness. Good Friends help and inspire you to a higher good."

"All life matters and has a noble purpose of its own."  

"Now is always important."

" Today is the “Best Day Ever” -It might as well be your favorite quote. It is all you have."

"Good Laws and Good People work well. Good People and Bad Laws can still work. Bad People and Good Laws seldom work. Bad People and Bad Laws never work.”

"The greatest Art is not created; it is found."

"Stand in the Light if you want to cast a shadow."

"Appreciate Nature, it Lives. All Life Matters"

"Don't air your dirty laundry; hang it in the sun and let the light shine on it.”  

Yes, I can do it or toss it aside, but the key is to finish it if I choose to do it. Goals are fine but finish what you start.

Down the road or across the street are people living in need—some alone with no one who cares for them. Start on your road and find those who will benefit from your kindness and service.

Kindness is reflected in our art, poetry, and communication.  Our actions become the canvas on which we put our feelings. You don’t need a good reason to be kind. You need to be kind.

Service and kindness are universal needs in the world today. It probably surpasses the need for food. The marketplace where help is found does not by looking to see who is sitting on the corner asking for it. You have to take your two hands and find and fill the need.

Love is infused into the child first, and then the child learns to love. When love is renewed in an adult, their love becomes stronger.

Keep on learning as long as you are here in this life because when you go, your knowledge is the only thing you can take with you.

Happiness is contagious; happiness anticipates, is patient, and is natural.

"The fight you lose is the one you learn from. You would learn even more if you knew you would lose and fought anyway."

"When the last tree is gone, the last river is poisoned, and the last fish has been caught, we will realize that we have passed on but didn't go to heaven.  Protect these precious creations." 

"When you tell me your story or tell me about yourself, I understand who you are and can share who I am better."

"A man can not own the earth. It can be used on a loan. We have stewardship of the land and must take care of and protect it. The earth has a spirit, and it is bigger and stronger than any man’s effort to destroy it." 

"Old, often rusted automobiles have stories to tell. Some try to hide under the rust or dirt. The stories are still there. Old Autos inspire. They Inform. They are their art form." 

"Do we know, or is this only a Rhetorical Question? Consider that we never gain all knowledge."

"All knowledge is connected to more knowledge."

"Dancing is joyful, Have Joy in your life."

“Write about the details, in detail.”

"Knowing which rule to break probably means you picked the wrong rule."

"When you think of all that goes into what you write, you realize that only you see all that is needed and all that it takes. Most of it is never seen by the reader." 

"Writing Thoughts: Stop, Look, Listen and then write it down, and then you will always have it."

"Dad's Works makes you understand what a grownup is. When you become a dad, send a good message. It will be the most important thing you will ever do."

"Reading qualifies and counts as experience, in my book.'

“Strong men cry. Stronger men cry or laugh with them.”

"A snail carries its home on its back. Since it is always home, it doesn't have to hurry and only moves for a reason.”

"Receiving unconditional love is safer with animals. Maybe it makes giving it as a human easier."

"Love is not a feeling; it is feeling"

"Be yourself and see who you find."

"A life sparkles in the fall, but the seasons together tell it all." 

"Happiness is the most intelligent choice."

"If an elephant can grieve for the loss of a child or companion and if it can remember its grief for decades, then humanity owes the elephant the respect not to hunt them for money. Some stories need to be told because they need to be told."

"Dream your story and then write your story. Live your dream."

"Vintage references make you feel good if your one that identifies with them. You can use vintage where it fits. You need to know what feelings it will evoke."

"When it is all said and done, all you have left is who you are." 

"The light shines, and dark leaves. Find the light. Find the right." 

"Innocence is what is precious about life. No other experience can compare. Cherish it."

“Families help us learn what unconditional love is

 "How we feel about our families teaches us and helps us know the importance of feeling."

“A special breed of cows have legs shorter on the one side than the other so they can walk along the side of hills. The breed is known as "Lean Beef.

"We reflect the color of our thoughts.”

"Roots of value have to be below the surface in healthy soil.

"For prayer, you don't have to close your eyes or look up to find an answer. You have to want an answer to come and then ask."

"Some flowers blush, sensing their beauty and the love they feel from us."

"When leaves turn bright colors in the fall, they make one last effort to compete with the flowers.

"Inside down deep, a dancer lives. One way or another, the dancer will get loose eventually."

"The right-hand doesn't know what the left is doing, but the legs and knees are ok."

"Rationalization precedes personal private indulgences. No good thought goes unrewarded."

"Kindness is not an intellectual decision. It is one the heart makes without any motive."

"The heart knows what the soul feels, but you must take a step forward for it to make any difference."

"Words are like the wind. They will blow away your footsteps but also the footsteps and thoughts of others. Use them wisely and with care."

"Sometimes you can see where the trail will lead, and you still have to have faith you picked the right trail to start."

Poems by Brent M. Jones

Poems by Brent M. Jones

Butterflies are Light

A butterfly chooses where to land.
Bringing light and beauty on its wings.
Light sitting, like a sunbeam.
Choosing when to leave

Help me, Lord

Memory fills the night. Help make my pain and memories light. In your arms, I find comfort. Please guide me in my days. Help me, Lord, this night.

The Trip

Challenge and wonder are along your path. Each day, a new turn will attract what you ask. Others may seek the beauty of your trail. Focus on your journey and leave the destination for last. 


Poems by Brent M. Jones

Song of Tonight

No rage, just light.          Embraced by the old Touched with the light    Is the new world like the old. 

Will memories die Memories of fathers Memories of families Memories of friends                    

Truth is eternal.              Things will be right        For now desire,            Desire what is right.


Thank You for Coming

I asked for direction
You came into my life
I hurt you, you hurt me.
I learned I was wrong

I said I was sorry
Sorry I caused harm
You listened and helped
Our lives seem improved
Thank you for coming



Pure love is kindness reflected

and virtue defined

Motive hurts but the heart still rules,

Not the mind ,

Goodness still comes,

From the heart, not the mind

Poems by Brent M. Jones

Life Story

Goodness of People, Often blurs each day Life stories reveals what's in the way.

Day Breaks

Day breaks, Leaving night behind
The light comes softly, A little at a time
Colors step from darkness
A new day for the sun to shine, Life continues with more time


Words to Verse

Feelings become words Through song and verse                 Heart and soul sings Expresses feelings With soulful words                

Thoughts Connect with Emotion   

The Heart knows the Words. The Soul Connects with Verse


Painting the Desert

The Desert Canvas is Brown
Painted in Blue, Yellow and Green
Painted in Red and Brown                   All colors are welcome,
All Colors are found

Purple Sky

by Brent Jones

Why a Purple Sky, Why are storms coming, When Is death near,
Will Royalty be coming