Focusing On The Solution →
Personal and Career Development never ends. If you don’t improve, you slip back and get left behind, unprepared for what is ahead.
Authors need Ads to Sell Books →
Over a few years, it seems clear that finding interested buyers for the subject of the books an author writes is a never-ending challenge
“A good advertisement sells the product without drawing attention to itself. “
“The man who does not read good books is no better than the man who can't.”
“Until I feared losing it, I never loved to read. ...
“There is no friend as loyal as a book.” ...
“Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them.”
Both Body Language and Words are Needed for a Speaker →
In my book, "Mastering the Art of Communication: The Power of Precision in Language," the focus is on using the appropriate terminology and body language in communication to make a meaningful difference in conveying the desired goals, making the desired connections, and drawing attention to the challenges speakers and writers face as the terms available for communication expand and overlap in our business and personal settings.
Author Brent M. Jones's Books Focus on Personal Development
Personal Development can be a focus that sparks creativity. When you become more open-minded, more options present themselves, and that allows creativity to take place.
LinkedIn Social Media Ad →
"LinkedIn is the only social media platform where people want to be advertised to." - Lewis Howes. "LinkedIn is not about who you know, it's about who knows you." - Janine Popick. "LinkedIn is not a resume, it's a window." - Heather R. Huhman.
LinkedIn finds you the job or helps the job find you. The resume gets you the job. The profile speaks to the algorithms; you must understand that language when completing your profile. This is not a big book but one with facts and directions gained from working one-on-one, not in some class or from other books.
Ad Promoting Authors Top Selling Book during 1st half of 2024 →
To Become a Master Communicator, You Need to Become More Than Just a Wordsmith. Learn more about this.
.Buy the book on Amazon
Find out more about this book in the”My Books” section on this website
Variety of Books Offered Ad →
Author Brent M. Jones’s books mostly fall into the personal or career development genre. This ad focuses on books in both of these areas.
The author has some published books on genres covering philosophy and free will.
Book Club Ad Focus →
Personal and career development are about improving oneself. Self-help implies that you do it yourself, but these two books can help.
Book Club groups can help you become a better reader, commit to reading, grow relationships, learn from diverse perspectives, and become a better conversationalist.
If you are an author or book marketer, finding ways to inform specific book club groups about your books and their focus and genre can be very helpful.
Fable currently has 400,000 users participating in roughly 14,000 different book clubs. By signing up for Fable with your library card, you can access Fable's premium book clubs, which are usually only available through a paid subscription.
Various Ad Graphics for "My Books" →
Promoting books is more challenging than writing them. When you write your book, you eventually finish, and the path to completing the book seems clear by the time you finish.
Promoting your books is a never-ending job if you do it yourself. In this section, I have posted various ad covers used on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, and LinkedIn.
The Genre of My Books are Similiar & Some Marketing Ads Point to the Genre →
Understanding why the past events in your life seem different each time you retell them explains how new experiences provide a different lens to look at past events. This theme is in several of my books.
Muhammad Ali's Advice for Everyone
Advice From The Champion