Editorial Review About Networking With a Purpose: The Informational Interview

‘A regional advisor in an Employment Center said of Networking With a Purpose: The Informational Interview.  Tell the advisors and job seekers to use the information in this book to stress the importance of the informational interview. It's a useful tool for connecting with a professional in one field of career interest and asking them questions to learn about career paths, industries, and potential opportunities. These interviews can happen socially, at an office, on the phone, or via Zoom.  There is no reason for our job candidates to be unprepared in a job interview using this approach in their preparation.”

Networking With a Purpose is Needed to Confirm Authenticity

Soft skills such as interpersonal abilities are essential for building and maintaining positive relationships. Networking, an integral part of the workspace, involves multiple soft skills, including effective communication, positive thinking, empathy, and interpersonal skills.

People motivated by greed often make others feel like there is not enough to go around. Soft skills such as interpersonal abilities are essential for building and maintaining positive relationships.

Networking, an integral part of the workspace, involves multiple soft skills, including effective communication, positive thinking, empathy, and interpersonal skills.

If the purpose of networking is shared and likewise if the networker shares back what is learned, it confirms the authenticity of the contact.

People motivated by greed often make others feel like there is not enough to go around.