Do it & Finish It, or Toss It Aside

Yesterday I made some comments about this quote:

It is up to you, by Clinton T. Howell............"You are the one who has to decide. Whether you’ll do it or toss it aside. Whether you’ll strive for the goal that's afar. Or just be content to stay where you are." 


This quote does suggest action. Picking a specific goal is challenging at times. 

Yes, I can do it or toss it aside but the key is to finish it if I choose to do it. Goals are fine but finish what you start. 


The Day Before Christmas

When you can look at a beautiful mountain and a Christmas Tree at the same time, you can experience "peace" in a different way. This can happen if your tree is by the window and the mountain is seen from the window. 

Spending time each day writing and reading could be described as a way of finding peace, but it is really just an escape from today's world.

That must mean that my mountain and tree are really just an escape from the escape. 


To understand where were going and why look back

Looking Back changes the Perception.png

I think our life will seem very different when we reach the end and look back.  All that we have explored, learned, and have done, will change us. Will we even recognize our beginning self?

We will see the whole of our life very differently than we did as we experienced the parts. The beginning, the journey, and all of the related circumstances to the journey will be clear, for the first time.

It will be the first time we see the past through the prism of all our experiences and that knowledge will let us know what really happened.

I have always loved this quote by T.S. Eliot: 

"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know  the place for the first time".

Soren Kierkegaard seemed to be saying this when he said:

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."

In the Essay Section of this website I wrote an article titled Reflections on Life . In that article I said:

"There is no one whose story I am as familiar with as my own. The same is true for you. This seems so obvious, but then what surprises me a little is how I see that story differently almost every time I tell it". It really is different when you look back."

Our conclusions change because we see through the filter of experience. 

"Normal" can change quick.

I wondered if today would be much different than yesterday and whether to make any comment on this daily comment section. I decided to go for a walk figuring that it would be a good time to ponder on the day. I got about half a block and I saw a neighbor pull out of his garage and take off down the street. Before long he was back and pulled up along side of me. 


The neighbor was driving a 1929 Ford Truck with some modifications. We rode around the area and talked cars for a while. I do like old vintage autos. I have a section for them here on this blog under the Misc Tab. Good Things happen when you are not expecting. Good Day.