Poem: Consider the Journey by Brent M. Jones →
Consider the Journey, by Brent M. Jones
The goodness of people found along the way
Some came for a reason; some blocked the way
Sun came, but then so did the rain
Peace was felt, but so was pain
I look ahead; clarity leaves me
Which path should I follow
Where is true light showing the way
Will mistakes still happen if I always do right
The journey is amazing
I need an anchor for the night
Embracing the Randomness
Hoping for Light
This poem came about as I wrote my book,
“Why Life Stories Change Are We the Result of Circumstance or Chance.”
Poetry is about feelings expressed →
The poet uses words to show the way The artist uses paint and clay.
Art informs the people Of what they think they see.
Poetry informs the feelings What the words say
Pictures are like poems Feelings bring memories.
Poetry is the thoughts That feelings for.m
Psalm 143:8
”Show me the way I should walk”
Sounds of Love, by Brent M. Jones →
Sounds of Love, by Brent M. Jones
Thoughts are Notes
Reflected in Flight
Music of the Soul
Words just Right
Feelings of the Heart
Constant Day and Night
Soft White Blue Sky →
Soft White Blue Sky
By Brent M. Jones