Photo's and Art project a cohesive message by using monochrome colors

Monochrome art and photography enable visual cohesion to support the communication objective. (Black and White can be Cool)

The lone black tree on the gray road and black shrubbery communicate bleak darkness, and the power poles in the distance tell us life still exists, perhaps, in this dark world.

The near-white sky could pass as white, but white or gray still are acceptable in all monochromatic schemes since it is essentially the lightest version of any color.

This photo presents questions. Why is the tree alone since it must have grown much longer than the surrounding growth? What terrible thing happened in this place?

Photo Essay or Telescope or Both and Why?

Photo Essay or Telescope.png

A camera setting on a stand with a high-power lens is often just a fancy telescope, but that can be a convenient first step in gathering information about events that become photo essays. The scope can spot events, but when the picture is taken, it chooses the one image that is perhaps the best, then it may pick one that still captures the others.

Do pictures represent one event? How would that be possible since there was a before and an after and things that happened simultaneously but were missed?