Why is Free Will and Determinism a Philosophy Question

Determinism suggests that everything that happens, including human actions, results from prior causes. Therefore, every event has already been predetermined, and there is no room for individual choice or decision. This view is often associated with scientific determinism, which suggests that the laws of physics determine everything that happens in the world, including human thoughts and actions.

On the other hand, free will suggests that individuals can make their own choices and decisions. This view is often associated with moral responsibility, meaning that individuals are responsible for their actions and should be held accountable. Advocates of free will believe that individuals have the power to shape their destinies and that their choices and activities are not predetermined. The emphasis on individual choice and decision-making in this view is empowering, as it reminds us that we are in control of our lives and can shape our destinies.

The debate between free will and determinism raises essential ethical and moral issues regarding responsibility, accountability, and the nature of human agency. If everything is predetermined, individuals cannot be held responsible for their actions, as they have no control over them. However, individuals with free will are responsible for their actions and should be held accountable.

The debate between free will and determinism, while likely to remain unresolved, continues to be a captivating and thought-provoking philosophical topic. It challenges us to ponder the nature of human agency and the significance of choice and decision-making in our lives. It also raises crucial questions about the intersection of science and morality and how scientific knowledge can enrich our comprehension of human behavior. Ultimately, the question of free will versus determinism is a philosophical inquiry with profound implications for our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

This overall view doesn’t address a different question, however. Does chance bring choices that can only be deterministic? It's another interesting question that philosophers and scientists have debated for centuries. Some argue that chance plays a significant role in our lives and that our choices are not always predetermined. Others believe that everything is predetermined and that chance is just an illusion.

The ongoing debate on chance and choice is a significant and intellectually stimulating aspect of this philosophical inquiry. It keeps us engaged and challenges our understanding of the world. Ultimately, the answer to this question is still unknown and may never be fully understood. However, it's important to remember that we are still in control of our choices, regardless of whether or not chance is involved. So we can choose to make the most of our circumstances and create our destiny.