To understand where were going and why look back

Looking Back changes the Perception.png

I think our life will seem very different when we reach the end and look back.  All that we have explored, learned, and have done, will change us. Will we even recognize our beginning self?

We will see the whole of our life very differently than we did as we experienced the parts. The beginning, the journey, and all of the related circumstances to the journey will be clear, for the first time.

It will be the first time we see the past through the prism of all our experiences and that knowledge will let us know what really happened.

I have always loved this quote by T.S. Eliot: 

"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know  the place for the first time".

Soren Kierkegaard seemed to be saying this when he said:

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."

In the Essay Section of this website I wrote an article titled Reflections on Life . In that article I said:

"There is no one whose story I am as familiar with as my own. The same is true for you. This seems so obvious, but then what surprises me a little is how I see that story differently almost every time I tell it". It really is different when you look back."

Our conclusions change because we see through the filter of experience. 

"Normal" can change quick.

I wondered if today would be much different than yesterday and whether to make any comment on this daily comment section. I decided to go for a walk figuring that it would be a good time to ponder on the day. I got about half a block and I saw a neighbor pull out of his garage and take off down the street. Before long he was back and pulled up along side of me. 


The neighbor was driving a 1929 Ford Truck with some modifications. We rode around the area and talked cars for a while. I do like old vintage autos. I have a section for them here on this blog under the Misc Tab. Good Things happen when you are not expecting. Good Day.


Surprising Day to see a Wild Turkey

I made a list of the 10 things I am most thankful for on Thanksgiving and of course "family" is always the top of that list. Down the list was, among other things, blue sky, cool crisp air outside, and the sun.  Just being outside is enough to make you feel good if you have at least blue sky and sun. The sun on your face or back is so good.

Today one of the first things I saw, with the help of a family member pointing it out, was a wild turkey. 


I need to let you know that this picture above was a stock internet picture. I didn't get the actual wild turkey on camera. We did get it on a telescope and that was great.

Yesterday we read about a women we all know from the daily TV who apparently had posted a stock photo pecan pie in a note she sent someone mentioning her great pecan pie she had made. The article criticizing her felt it was deceptive to imply that her pie was the picture perfect pie.

So for the sake of "photo purity" I want to make sure to confess that this picture may or may not be close to the one I saw. My sighting was sticking it's head up above the sage brush and I saw a tail poking up also.  Both the the family members who spent more time on the telescope than I did gave it their official "that is a real wild turkey" ok. 

Day after Thanksgiving Day

Today I spent some time continuing to update this blog. Much has been done and a lot of content added.  The Amazon link may not have been working because several told me they had tried to use it. (Appreciated) So now there is a link on the cover page sidebar where you can to and then pick the book or anything for that matter. Also at the end of the book review posts there will usually be a link to that book on Amazon.

This blog is almost a year old. Those faithful followers are appreciated. A lot of upgrades are still coming. 

Enjoy the long weekend. Enjoy the leftovers.


Thanksgiving Day

You will hear a lot of people refer to this as their favorite holiday. Probably not the person who fixes the Thanksgiving day dinner but many think it is great because you don't have to buy a lot of presents and isn't the huge activity that Christmas is.  Some thoughts thinking back. Start out with Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.

This is a great TV event for the rest of us not living in New York.  You can take the traditional approach and just sit back in awe. Or you can take a little more casual approach and make fun of a lot of what you see. Patti Labelle comes by on the Ocean Spray float and someone in the room says "gee wonder if they paid her in Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce". By itself that isn't all that funny but stack it on to an hour or two of wise cracks and it can be pretty funny.

If your a runner, the morning will offer a good race. Or if your older you can think about the 13 marathons you ran and how they probably ruined your body. 

Eating is of course a good way to spend the day. This year we had special placements on the table starting early in the morning. Some boxes of Crayolas were also on the table and we got to color the placements and then at the bottom of the mats were some lines and above a note saying "I am Thankful For."  It is good to spend some time doing that. Don't get carried away. A meaner approach is to ask for "Things I hate" and then after dinner if you all read them to each other you can feel really good if someone is thankful for you or of course if you take the low road you can feel really bad is someone has your name down as things they hate about Thanksgiving. 


How about the Neighbor?

Thanksgiving can be so very special, or it can be so very lonely.  Happiness increases when it is shared.

Sometimes people work so hard to help. They work with large groups. They gather up blankets and food and take them by the truckload to those in need. Hurricane survivors are a good example of those who are really helped this way.

A question to ask is what about the person across the street or down the block? What about the older lady you see at church who has no one coming to town and will be alone? Taking them a plate of food, or some desert, can bring so much warmth and happiness.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Reach out and spread some happiness.