Brent M. Jones - Connected Events Matter

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Service by helping others on my mind today because of past memories of giving service

About 35 years ago in early December I got a phone call from a man who was a neighbor and who I went to church with. He was in jail and expected to be so for a few weeks. He didn't know if he would be able to go home and be with his wife and young's kids even if it was for Christmas Day. He wanted some help in getting a few things that if he did get out could be from him. My wife helped buy some socks and a few things and we wrapped them taking them to his wife for the kids. He did get to go home for Christmas Day and the help was appreciated. It has been a long time, but I have thought of this event many times, this time of year. 

It may have been closer to 40 years ago, but one summer a group of church kids and myself went and painted a house where an older lady lived alone. For a few years I would drive just by to see how the paint was holding up but again I find myself thinking back about this.

I hate to admit how many years ago this next memory happened. When I was a young boy our scouts and other young kids went to and area about 50 miles from where we lived where fires had damaged most of the trees. We replanted thousands of trees. For years as I would occasionally drive that highway I would look up a canyon off the highway to where we planted them to see how they were doing.

Even with a lifelong habit of serving others when the opportunities happen the events are remembered not just by those served but by you.

Service helps those served, of course, but it helps and is important to those that serve. Those memories left me feeling glad I help but left the impression that I could be of help to others.

Looking for someone to help anytime during the year would be a good thing.