Be prepared with good questions in your Job Interview

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Go prepared, don't think you can bluff. Make sure your questions show that you understand the company and the job. Find out as much as you can about the company before the interview.

4 Most Important Questions to Ask

  1. Ask early in the interview about one or two of the most critical aspects of the job role in the interviewer’s opinion. This will allow you to answer other questions and show how you can provide what is most important.

  2. When you ask a question, conclude your reply: Does that give you what you need? Did you get the answer to your question? Would you like another example?

  3. Before the interviewer wraps up and has run out of time, ask: I want to make sure that you get everything you need to make a good decision. Is there anything else you’d like to discuss? $

  4. As the meeting wraps up, ask: When can I expect to hear back? If I don’t hear back by then, would it be okay to follow up with you?

Almost half of all jobs lost during pandemic may be gone permanently

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Almost half of all jobs lost during a pandemic may be gone permanently, was the title of an article written by Maurie Backman on July 29, 2020, in USA Today. The article starts:

The COVID-19 outbreak has done a number of the U.S. economy, plunging it deep into a recession and sending unemployment levels skyrocketing. Jobless claims reached a record high in April, and while things improved slightly in May and June, new restrictions could increase the unemployment rate in the coming months.”

Many will need to learn new job skills and look closely at what works in finding a job under these new conditions. Informational interviews using video networking like Zoom will enable those searching for an opportunity to connect and ask questions.

It will only get more challenging as more and more people see more and more competition for the same jobs.

This site offers sections on Career Development Insights, Career Development Education, Career Development Essays, Job Interviewing, and Using LinkedIn.

It will be a long time before things look like they did before COVID-19, if ever.