Resume key points include names, titles, companies, start & end dates, keywords, and education, and these may all be seen by a potential employer
who may only spend 6 - 7 seconds scanning the resume to decide whether to spend more time.
who may only spend 6 - 7 seconds scanning the resume to decide whether to spend more time.
#thebigshift #workmatters #careers #theGreatResignation
“A job for most of us is more than just how we make a living. It shapes how we see ourselves, as well as how others see us. It gives our days structure, purpose, and meaning. But in a rapidly changing marketplace — reshaped in recent years by technology and automation, and devastated in 2020 by a global pandemic that has left millions out of work — finding a job has become exponentially more challenging.”
(Quote above from Work Matters: Insights & Strategies for Job Seekers in a Rapidly Changing Economy)
#unemployed #unemployment #jobsearch #career #job #employment #findajob #findingwork #jobseekers
“The COVID-19 outbreak has done a number of the U.S. economy, plunging it deep into a recession and sending unemployment levels skyrocketing. Jobless claims reached a record high in April, and while things improved slightly in May and June, new restrictions could increase the unemployment rate in the coming months.”