Brent M. Jones - Connected Events Matter

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How do Emotions and Feelings Affect Attitude: Are these Soft Skills?

Research has shown that social skills and personality traits are key factors in emotional intelligence, and practicing emotional competencies can increase this valuable skill set.

Self-awareness is a critical skill when it comes to EQ (emotional intelligence). Practice recognizing your own emotions to become more self-aware.

Our feelings make up our emotions, can create immediate responses, and instantaneously affect our behavior. On the other hand, attitudes are more stable over time as they involve a cognitive process that considers emotions, feelings, beliefs, and behavioral intentions.

Research has shown that social skills and personality traits are key factors in emotional intelligence, and practicing emotional competencies can increase this valuable skill set. Self-awareness is a critical skill when it comes to EQ.

Practice recognizing your emotions to become more self-aware, as they involve a cognitive process that considers emotions, feelings, beliefs, and behavioral intentions.

Feelings and attitudes improve the ability to connect with self and others, leading to healthier and happier relationships. They also improve decision-making and the ability to solve problems. Increases resilience. Reduces stress.

Expressing feelings and emotions can help you to feel better about yourself and the situation. They determine our outlook on life based on the events occurring around us. They allow us to empathize with other humans and share joy or pain. Whichever emotion you feel on a morning generally shapes how you feel throughout your day.

Emotions – even those that feel unpleasant or seem negative – have a few essential uses: Emotions drive our actions – for example, a fight, flight or freeze response. Emotions tell others that we're dealing with stressors and may need support.

When emotions are expressed appropriately, senders can formulate a message that reflects their internal status and intentions while considering audience needs and perceptions. The audience also benefits by receiving a more transparent and easily understood message. Emotions affect communication in many ways.

Emotions can play an essential role in how you think and behave. For example, the emotions you feel each day can compel you to take action and influence the decisions you make about your life, both large and small.

The idea that emotional intelligence is an important soft skill is a focus in several of Author Brent M. Jones’s books.