Book Reviews, Comments & Stories, Quotes, & Poetry & More
"Connections and Why They Matter"
Most of what happens in our life will spark a connection. Life connects with what has been found in books. Books connect with what happens in life. Use the connections to help you see more clearly. A love of reading and writing is what motivated the creation of this blog. Thank you for coming to the blog.
Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, said, " Change is the only constant in life.” He also said, “Everything changes and nothing remains still, and you cannot stop twice in the same stream.” It is helpful to remember that he told this 500 years before Christ. This profound truth about the nature of life can help us accept and even embrace the inevitability of change.
Even today, it seems apparent that it has always been a tough new world, but it always has been and always will be. One apparent reason is the fear attached to change. The fear of change, or metathesis phobia, is a phobia that causes people to avoid changing their circumstances because they are afraid of the unknown.
One of the most profound changes has been in the job search process. In today’s world, people seeking new opportunities or launching a career transition must rely on technology more than ever. This shift, while daunting, also empowers you to demonstrate competence and proficiency with digital platforms and tools. It isn’t just how jobs are found and applied for. It is an essential tool for research and networking to find the “right” job.
The Unwritten Rules… Written Down! In the modern landscape of job hunting, it’s not quite enough to have a good résumé and some pleasant manners in an interview. You need a clear and comprehensive knowledge of digital technology to find a job, demonstrating your competence to employers when you get to the following stages. With this book, you can grow to feel confident in looking for a job while also feeling more capable of sharing your abilities with the people who are holding the keys to your future.
This Book will Help:
• Transform your job search with modern technology and gain the competitive edge they need to land their dream job • Create an effective self-promotion strategy and LinkedIn profile to draw the attention of employers • Navigate the ever-changing job market with ease • Find the right direction and make order out of chaos • Become Your Best Self: This book doesn’t only help you find a job, it assists you in gaining the correct vision of yourself and building yourself up as a serious businessperson. Beyond learning about the importance of tech in a job hunt, this book's chapters will help mold you into the success you know you're capable of. • Study the job market like an entrepreneur to find out where the opportunities are. You will realize the best job prospects and growth opportunities when you understand your target industries' growth trends and needs.
Good Advice - Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, said:
"Change is the only constant in life." “Everything changes, and nothing remains still.
“You cannot step twice into the same stream.”
Don't Wait: Buy the book now and begin your transformation.
The world economy is six times larger than it was half a century ago, growing at an annual rate of 4 percent during the period. When the Pandemic hit in 2020, some believed that the economy was oversized and on the brink of collapse even without the lightning strike of COVID-19. Whether that was true or not, the question was less critical to ordinary working people than the results: sudden furloughs or unemployment, rapid shifts to remote working in many industries, and the disappearance of millions of jobs.
By July 2021, the U.S. economy regained the 25 million jobs it had lost in the pandemic. Going into 2023, twenty-six percent of jobseekers say finding a job is more accessible in 2022 than before the pandemic, while 23% of employers say hiring new employees is more accessible now. Twenty-one percent of both workers and employers don't see any changes in the difficulty of finding a job or hiring employees.
More jobs are open now than before the Pandemic, but that doesn’t mean finding the right job is without challenges. The number 1 reason businesses struggle to fill available positions is that wages are too low, according to a survey of more than 3,000 hourly workers conducted by the “Employer Payment Platform Branch.” Fear of exposure to Covid-19 at work came in second with 46% of the vote.
Automation has been expected to bring a dramatic impact on the job market. Still, today's technological advances affect the future of work in three key ways: scaling and speeding up human capabilities, substituting labor with machines, and enabling new ways to access and supply labor.
I have managed and consulted with some large companies in my professional career. I have had general management responsibilities that included oversight of the Human Resource departments, one of which served 3,000 employees. I have also had one-on-one work throughout 10 + years as a volunteer career counselor, where I worked with people in all situations. I’ve witnessed the traumatic impact of losing a job, often leading to depression, despondence, tears, and even divorce.
Sometimes, it isn’t a job loss that brings someone in for help but an unexpected job needs. One all-too-common example: Women who left the job market for many years to raise children. Whether due to divorce or the death of a spouse, some are suddenly confronted with the need to find a job but feel they have no marketable skills.
Whatever the cause or the circumstance, however, being out of work is challenging. In today’s world, with few exceptions, finding a job is not optional. It’s something we all prepare for and plan for in one way or another from an early age. Work is an economic necessity and a societal given, and, ideally, a source of personal fulfillment. Work matters. It always has, and it still does.
Finding work continues to be staring many in the face, in some cases for the first time in their lives. How we react to this challenge makes a great deal of difference, and the outcomes will vary among people facing the same challenge. Everyone’s journey is unique, but the basic, time-tested approaches to searching for a job still work and bear reviewing, perhaps especially now in these challenging times. The good news is that there are more ways to approach this than ever.
This short poem reminds us that we are all impacted by fate but still have choices. And it brings some questions to mind. Which way is the wind blowing in your life’s journey? Have the recent upheaval and uncertainty left you with tough choices regarding your job prospects? What do we do when the wind shifts entirely and there is no reliable forecast for how intense or long it may last? We can all change the set of our sails, but more may be needed to understand how to do that in a world where employment opportunities look vastly different now than they did just a few months ago. This book endeavors to help.
"The Winds of Fate”
by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
One ship drives east, and another moves west,
With the self-same winds that blow.
’Tis the set of the sails
And not the gales
That tells them the way to go.
Like the winds of the sea are the winds of fate
As we voyage along through life.
This is the set of the soul
That decides its goal
Chapter 1 Job Search in the Age of Technology:
The coronavirus pandemic has changed nearly every aspect of our lives, from interacting with friends and family to shopping for groceries and navigating our day-to-day lives. Please take a moment and think about how our lives used to be before the pandemic hit. It's mind-blowing how much things have changed in such a short amount of time. I cannot even begin to think how much our lives have changed since then. We have had to learn how to navigate the digital world to continue working, learning, and living, but many things have changed.
One of the most profound changes has been in the job search process. While technology has already changed how people look for work, the pandemic has accelerated this trend. People seeking new opportunities, or those looking to launch a career transition, must now rely on technology more than ever before. It's no longer enough to apply for a job with a resume or attend an in-person interview; you must also demonstrate competence and proficiency with digital platforms and tools. It isn’t just how jobs are found and applied for. It also is an essential tool for research and networking to find the “right” job.
The job search process is like a modern-day chess game. You need to be able to strategize your approach, make moves quickly, and know how to adjust your game plan when the environment changes. In many ways, technology is now like another chess piece for job seekers to consider when planning their next moves.
The traditional job search was a laborious process. Job seekers had to devote time and energy to crafting CVs, attending interviews, networking with contacts, and following up on leads to find the correct position. The pandemic has made this process much more difficult as people were limited in their ability to move around freely and attend physical events. This shifted the focus to technology-based approaches, which include online portfolios, digital networking, and virtual interviews, but these approaches have brought some long-term help to the process.
I have seen first-hand how technology can enhance job search efforts, from leveraging sophisticated matching algorithms to find the best positions for a particular skill set to using video conferencing tools for remote interviews to utilizing social media platforms like LinkedIn to build a brand and connect with potential employers. Technology has made it easier for job seekers to find the correct positions for them and begin their career transition.
The pandemic has made job seekers more dependent on technology to stay informed of new opportunities, which is particularly important for the 70+% of job seekers and career changers that are passive seekers. . We need to be forward-thinking and stay ahead of the digital curve by understanding how technology can be used to our advantage. It would be best if you researched, stayed up to date with the latest trends, and used digital tools and resources to your advantage to remain competitive in today's job market. One of the most important things to remember is that technology can be a double-edged sword. It can open up new doors of opportunity but can also be a source of stress if you need more preparation.
Online presence is now more critical than ever, and job seekers must be aware of the potential risks associated with this. Please understand the importance of data privacy and security and the need for professional online etiquette. Many people need to identify these key elements and capitalize on the opportunity technology can bring. I often ponder how different the job market would be if everyone knew how to leverage technology and use it to their advantage. Understanding the technology available to you and learning how to use it can be the difference between success and failure in securing a new job. I would even say digital skills are now the fifth literacy, alongside reading, writing, and mathematics.
Technology has also opened up access to a much larger job market. With the internet, you can search for jobs across the globe rather than being limited to your local area. This also means that employers can find the perfect candidate for a position from anywhere in the world, allowing them to expand their talent pool. It's a win-win for both sides. Why limit yourself to your local area when so many opportunities are available online? The job market has become global, and those who want to find the right job or pursue a new career must embrace technology and use it to their advantage.
This, in return, has created new challenges for job seekers. For example, job postings can be overwhelming, with many applicants vying for the same position. You compete against an ever-growing pool of talented individuals and must strive to stay ahead. You'll need to know how to promote your skills and qualifications online, build a strong solid presence, and use the latest technology to optimize your job search efforts. It's not enough to be talented; you must also know how to utilize technology to succeed.
While technology comes with its challenges, it is also an incredible advantage.
One of the most overlooked benefits of technology and its impact on the job search is the ability to access more remote and flexible work opportunities. I can't emphasize enough how important this is, particularly in the current climate. Technology has opened up a wide range of job opportunities that might not have otherwise been possible - and it can be a great launching pad to new and exciting career paths. However, it's important to remember that technology can't replace everything, and you must still put in the effort to be successful. You’ll need to use technology appropriately and be aware of the potential risks and pitfalls. It's like having a power tool - you need to understand how to use it properly to get the best results.
Many people used to dream about a career change but needed more opportunity and mobility to follow through. Technology has bridged this gap by providing more access to remote work and flexible job openings. With more employers looking to hire remotely, those with digital skills can work in locations worldwide, which was different from what was expected before the pandemic. Technology has opened the door to a new era of work, with more people able to work from home or access remote gigs.
If you are considering a career change or are looking for a new job, please take the time to familiarize yourself with the digital tools available. The wide availability of various technology has also made it much easier to acquire the skills and qualifications required for your fascinating job. From online courses to self-study materials, plenty of resources are available for those wanting to hone their skills in a particular field. Use these tools to your advantage and ensure you stay up to date with the latest industry trends. Take time to build a solid online presence and network with other professionals. Don’t be afraid to reach out and engage with new contacts - these virtual connections could make all the difference in your job search or career change.
I always tell people that technology should be viewed as an invaluable resource and a great opportunity. Use it wisely, and don’t shy away from getting out of your comfort zone. With the right mindset and a bit of effort, technology can help you find the job that's perfect for you. Don't wait to be a passive observer - take advantage of the available digital tools and resources and make the most out of them. It's all about taking that first step and using the available technology to put yourself in a better position for success.
The technological advances we’ve seen over the past few years have been incredible, especially regarding job search and career changes. Technology has made it easier to search for and apply for jobs locally and globally. It has also opened the door to more remote and flexible work opportunities, allowing people to pursue a career change without sacrificing mobility.
Undertaking a job search or a career change doesn't have to feel daunting. Technology has created more opportunities than ever, and those who are prepared to embrace it and use it to their advantage can reap the rewards. Digital literacy is no longer a nice-to-have but an essential requirement for those wanting to succeed in the job market. The pandemic has only deepened this shift, and those who understand how to use technology can stand to benefit greatly. It's time to take advantage of the digital revolution and use the available technology to find the right job or pursue a new career.
Most of us live in a new and transformed job market, with technology at its core. But, as we continue to adapt and grow together, don’t forget that you have the power to create your success. Embrace technology and use it as a tool for your job search or career change - you’ll be glad you did.
Chapter 2 The difference between a LinkedIn Profile and a Resume
Technology is more critical than ever before in changing careers and job searches. LinkedIn’s professional networking site offers numerous opportunities for job seekers to connect with recruiters, potential employers, and industry peers. It can be a valuable source of information and leads.