Brent M. Jones - Connected Events Matter

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Soft Skills still Matter in 2023

They matter because they are relevant, transferable, and keep an individual highly employable. Employers want people who already have soft skills because your employer doesn't have to train you on them, and the truth is they won’t do that good of a job on it anyway.

Soft skills are, in many ways, more important than hard skills. These skills enable people to collaborate better on projects, brainstorm and negotiate, gather support, and encourage participation from others.

Some personality traits can simplify your ability to learn soft skills. For example, extroverted people will find it easier to learn communication and leadership skills.

Introverts often have many people skills that come naturally to them. For example, they may be good listeners, empathetic, and able to read other people being more open to listening, resulting in solid connections.

Social skills can be taught. It is never too soon to start showing kids how to get along with others. Social skills can help students set goals for themselves and build positive relationships with peers.