Networking With a Purpose: The Informational Interview

Ever heard anyone say this during a frustrating job search?

“They got the job because they knew somebody.” “They were hired because of their connections.”

By following this simple guide to building your professional network, you can be that person who has that coveted edge over the competition.

Brent M. Jones is a business executive and career development coach who helped over 1000 job seekers in the last few years. He’s eager to share his experience and success with one of the most underrated methods in the job search process - the informational interview.

In this thoughtful book, Brent explores the importance and benefits of this networking technique, giving easy-to-follow steps from beginning the job search to adequate preparation for the big interview. This guide includes:

-Who to contact for referrals, even outside your industry experience
-How to properly research before your informational interview and why it’s valuable
-Etiquette for the meeting itself
-A robust list of sample questions to ask in the interview
-How to use the information you learned to land the job you want

In the next chapter of your career, don’t just settle. Learn how to gain the knowledge and find new contacts you will need to open any door.