Your Good and Bad Habits can both make you predictable.

Even animals have habits but whether they are good or bad may be in the eye of the beholder.

A squirrel goes through the winter finding his way to food each day, over and over again, using the same little trail. The path taken follows the edge of a field, along a fence line, under the brush that is growing there, where the squirrel has cover from predators and onlookers. It crosses a small break in the land where water drains from one side of the fence to the other at times and it is where it jumps, without cover, from a rock on one side to the rock on the other side flying momentarily through the air.

A hawk watches for several days from above and notices that the squirrel takes the trail at the same time each morning. Even with  brush covering the trail the hawk can see movement but at the small break he sees that the squirrel is exposed as he jumps through the air.

Days pass and the squirrel’s habits do not change and the hawk continues to watch. One day the hawk is ready watching the movement under the brush and has planned the moment to drops from the sky arriving at the small break in the trail just in time to catch the squirrel in his mouth in midair as he leaps from the rock.

Daily routines are filled with good and bad habits that are repeated over and over. They keeps you busy but it can be used against you. Stop and look up and around is one lesson. Another lesson is be aware of who is watching your habits.

What is different about today. Don’t let habits obscure needed actions.