Skills Stop Being Skills if they are not Dusted Off and Polished Regularly

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Why Polish the skills you have? When your polish something, make it look new rather than old. If your polished skills don’t look fresh and are just shiny, they need to be replaced. You need to pick the essential skills to polish, which can be easier if you are a student in your industry. A well-developed polished skill can make us master a particular field.

It takes more time to add new skills than to polish the ones you have, but you need to take the time to add and shine old ones. This is ongoing, and you should always be in charge of this process.

Easy approaches include Podcasts, LinkedIn Learning, and Updated Certification, reading all the literature you can find.

Start by working on your skills, but new skills can and should be learned too. Learning new skills helps in your professional life. It allows you to achieve your goals, gives you confidence, and gives you motivation to work

