Brent M. Jones - Connected Events Matter

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The Number 1 Best tool for Marketing your Book shouldn't be a surprise - It is Content

So many things can sink or establish the success of a new book. Title, cover, timing, reviews, lack of reviews, etc. It is no secret what matters most in a book but is often overlooked.

There are many lists to inform us of the best choices; of course, having published many books, I can not personally vouch for any of these.

Content Matters Most

Content is inside the book and the message of the book. The words are the message. Sometimes the cover has the most substantial impact when you market your book, but even then, the cover reflects the content.

The value of the content needs to be focused on those wanting that value for themselves. Often the content becomes the writer’s brand.

Seven Ways to Promote Your Book

  1. Guest blog posts

  2. Blog & Podcast Interviews

  3. Using Social Media

  4. Create a YouTube Channel

  5. Join reader groups (Facebook and others)

  6. Go On a Local Book Tour

  7. Use Your Mailing List.

Of course, all these approaches and others help, but the essential tool to market your book is "content.”