Work Matters: It Takes Technology, Insight And Strategies For Job Seekers In This Evolving World

By Brent M. Jones

One review said about this book:

"This book is so timely to the world today."

Another reviewer said:

‘You may not be looking for a new job currently, but odds are you will at some point in your career. This book is a great place to start to help you navigate the new world of job searching. It is probably one of the most valuable and helpful books I’ve read. Every young person just leaving college or high school and preparing to enter the workforce should read this book.”

This book follows Work Matters: Insights & Strategies for Job Seekers in a Rapidly Changing Economy, published on August 25, 2020. The Pandemic was the elephant in the room when that book came out, but the new book, over 1/3 longer, focuses on how the task of changing a career, finding a dream job, or even finding the right employee has changed. Of course, it will continue to change, but the new reality and the headline for the article about this is:

"Technology is the significant change for Job Hunters.”