Holly, by Stephen King

This is a five-star book, but with around 2500 reviews in on Amazon, it has a 4.4 star rating. This is lower than normal and Amazon says the book is one of King’s most political yet. That seems odd but then it is set where the plot works out with maskers and antimaskers involved in the dialog. . . So maybe a few reviews were lower where Trumpers were offended, probably because some people wore masks.

Holly Gibney is either one of King’s most compelling characters or she is not, but she is resourceful and solves what others hadn’t even tried to solve. We got to know her, and it was clear that Stephen King, a master writer, treated her like a natural normal human being but with around 2500 reviews on Amazon, it has a 4.4 star rating, normal human being,. This is lower than normal, and Amazon says the book is one of King’s most political yet. That seems odd, but then it is set in a setting usual he thinks a lot about. in the book were not just well-developed, they were vital. Holly, in particular, didn’t overshadow the others, but they fit together perfectly, creating a dynamic and engaging narrative

The characters were so well-developed and vital. Holly didn’t overshadow the others, but they fit together perfectly.

King’s comment on the back cover was undoubtedly relevant.

“I could never let Holly Gibney go. She was supposed to be a walk-on character in Mr. Mercedes, and she just stole the book and stole my heart. Holly is all her.” - Stephen King

Stephen King Reads from His New Book, HOLLY