Brent M. Jones - Connected Events Matter

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Finding good in others lets you see the good in yourself

If you try to see the “Best in Others,” you will have to give up the false ideal of perfection. Perhaps, recognizing goodness requires us to accept human nature, flaws, and all. Every person has something to teach us if we listen. Even negative people offer us a mirror to view our imperfections and strengths.

If you find good in yourself when you look for it in others, you have found a way to find inspiration. You will now need to go forward and look for the good in others.

Finding good in others can bring about self-improvement and help you gain self-confidence. Sometimes you find the good while your doing good and taking actions that will benefit others rather than yourself.

What a small price to pay. Just look for the good in others. You won’t find it unless you give up the idea of perfection. People are not perfect, so you have to overlook imperfections to find good.