Brent M. Jones - Connected Events Matter

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Who are the People You Want to be Connected with on LinkedIn?

Who should you seek out for connections on your LinkedIn account? On the one hand, it is a professional network, and people don’t have to know you personally to be willing to accept your invitation. On the other hand, some people seem to want to connect only because they hope to do business with the other party. The more connections, the better, but you probably don’t want to use sales only for a motive.

12 Types of People You Should Connect With On LinkedIn

  1. Professionals you already know. You work together or have worked together.

  2. Professionals you don't know but would like to meet or know more about.

  3. People from your extended background, including friends and family. ...(They may have their connections that can help you and will be more interested in helping you themselves)

  4. People with a lot of connections.

  5. People whose connections might also have connections to your interests and needs

  6. Saviors of the day. (well-connected folks)

  7. Your worst critic, maybe? Someone who might help by pointing out our problems can be a real help.

  8. Past co-workers

  9. Past supervisors

  10. People you know from competitors

  11. People you know as past and current customers

  12. People you know at past and current suppliers