Brent M. Jones - Connected Events Matter

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Your careers need LinkedIn more than ever making profile creation training very important

At the beginning of 2024, about 950 million members are on LinkedIn, and 40% of those monthly active users used LinkedIn daily.

Microsoft paid 26.2 Billion dollars for LinkedIn in 2016. 43% of the users are women, and 57% are men. 27% of all Americans use LinkedIn. 70% of the users live outside the US. 30 Million companies are on LinkedIn.

Each week there are 9 billion content impressions in LinkedIn’s feed.

There are 87 million millennials on LinkedIn, making up 38 percent of the social network's user base.

With this big platform, is there a need for independent trainers? Is there room for interpretation on how best to fill out your profile? YES, training is needed, and some things are a matter of opinion on how best to do them.

As an experienced LinkedIn trainer, I will show you in a variety of training posts in the Career Development section of this website what can help. These few LinkedIn sections came together from working one-on-one with over 500 people trying to polish up or get put on the site over the last few years. When you are faced with being out of a job, the path to getting the LinkedIn site ready is critical, and the point of view these posts are written with reflects just that.