AI sometimes disappoints, but change is coming fast

This intriguing picture above, seemingly the first step for Squarespace Website users, was created by AI. The AI was tasked with creating the mountain scene and using the chosen colors. How do you think it fared?

The young fellow is telling us AI created the picture.

In my view, this picture is, at best, unremarkable. The following quote prompts us to consider whether the picture enhances this human’s intelligence in any way. My response is a resounding no.

AI created the picture originally; overall, I think it is a “ho-hum” picture at best. The quote below suggests asking whether the picture amplifies this human’s intelligence. The answer is no; it doesn’t seem like it.

Artificial intelligence is not a substitute for human intelligence; it is a tool to amplify human creativity and ingenuity. It is likely to open up new possibilities for artistic expression.