Brent M. Jones - Connected Events Matter

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You have to see yourself correctly before you try to reinvent yourself

The decision to reinvent yourself will require you to see yourself correctly first. To answer the question, “Who are you” requires seeing your past and present, and both views can be a challenge to determining what you want as the result of your reinvention of self.

Your past and current goals and desires influence the direction you have decided to take. The past brought you to this point in time, but what about the past plans brought you to a place of dissatisfaction?

It may seem positive to change and define yourself in terms of future goals you have not reached yet, but that can be a trap. It can cause you to lose sight of who you are right now. This will lead to your skipping over correcting what created the previous poor choices. Making better choices is just as important as setting reasonable goals.

Reinventing yourself requires you to learn from each new step you take. Looking back at your past from the present will show past actions in a new, more experienced light, and that is how reinvention begins.

Examining past choices and the changes they brought about shows the reinvention process and suggests your next steps.