Coaching, Mentoring, and Leadership have a lot in common.

Professional coaches assist individuals in discovering solutions by using active listening skills, powerful questioning, expanding thought processes, identifying limiting beliefs, designing action steps, and providing follow-up support. Coaching skills can be applied to various areas of improvement.

Mentors, on the other hand, share their knowledge and expertise with mentees within their profession. They offer advice, guidance, correction, and encouragement to help individuals grow and succeed in their field. In some cases, mentors may also provide general life advice based on their relationship with the mentee.

Both coaching and mentoring can facilitate positive and long-lasting changes in individuals by transferring knowledge and skills from the mentor or coach to the individual.

Leadership involves the ability of an individual or group to influence and guide followers or other members of an organization.


Teaching is different than Coaching

Be the best that you can be, but be smart enough to know when you need help.

2 Places I would like to go, right now (2).png

Being the best that you can be, is good advice. In “An Essay on Man,” Alexander Pope said, “Act well your part; there all the honor lies. What happens if your position requires you to be more than you are?

An example of that might be if you are the lead in a project or a company and do not know the basics required to be in that position. In that situation, you should either move to a role you’re qualified for or immediately focus on what you need to learn.

Finding the right help can be a challenge. A coach can be a solution if you can identify the areas you need coaching. The right coach may require a complete and accurate needs assessment to determine if you need coaching and what your specific needs are.

Self-help books offer step-by-step coaching in the areas you have determined you are weak in, but you may need specific feedback regularly.

Be the best that you can be!

― Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man

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