Work Matters It Takes Technology, Insight and Strategies for Job Seekers in this Evolving World

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Work Matters It Takes Technology, Insight and Strategies for Job Seekers in this Evolving World


In today's digital world, job search has evolved, and job seekers must adapt to new technologies and strategies to succeed.

This book is a comprehensive guide to help job seekers navigate the changing job market, including using digital platforms and tools to research, network, and find the right job.” It will help if you seek a career change or a new job, but it will also help those looking for the best employees. The tools and processes to deal with our world have changed for employment.

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Product Description

"Work Matters: It Takes Technology, Insight, and Strategies For Job Seekers In This Evolving World" will help if you are seeking a career change or a new job, but it will also help those looking for the best employees. The tools and processes to deal with our world have changed for employment.

Some Examples of what this book covers:
Chapter 1 Job Search in the Age of Technology

We have had to learn how to navigate the digital world to continue working, learning, and living, but many things have changed. One of the most profound changes has been in the job search process. People seeking new opportunities, or those looking to launch a career transition, must now rely on technology more than ever before.

It's not enough to apply for a job with a resume or attend an in-person interview; you must also demonstrate competence and proficiency with digital platforms and tools. It isn't just how jobs are found and applied for. It also is an essential tool for research and networking to find the "right" job.

The job search process is like a modern-day chess game. You need to be able to strategize your approach, make moves quickly, and know how to adjust your game plan when the environment changes. Technology is now like another chess piece for job seekers to consider when planning their next moves.

Chapter 4 Why It's Still a Tough New World Out

Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, says, "change is the only constant in life." He also said, "Everything changes and nothing remains still, and you cannot step twice into the same stream." It is helpful to remember that he said this 500 years before Christ. During the pandemic, it seemed apparent that it was a harsh new world out there, but it always has been and always will be. One apparent reason is the fear attached to change. The fear of change, or metathesiophobia, is a phobia that causes people to avoid changing their circumstances due to being extremely afraid of the unknown.

Chapter 8 Think Like an Entrepreneur
Study the job market like an entrepreneur to find out where the opportunities are. When you understand the growth trends and needs in your target industries, you will understand where the best job prospects and growth opportunities may be. That understanding will also enable you to discuss those opportunities in your interviews, demonstrating your knowledge, insight, and initiative to study and learn the business.


Chapter 1: Job Search in the Age of Technology
Chapter 2: The difference between a LinkedIn Profile and a Resume 
Chapter 3: Why It's Still a Tough New World Out
Chapter 4: Losing a Job Hurts a Lot
Chapter 5: Take Initiative, Assess Your Skills, find your Dream Job
Chapter 6: Make Networking Work for You 
Chapter 7: Coaching and the Job Search
Chapter 8: Think Like an Entrepreneur
Chapter 9: Never Stop Being a Student of Your Industry
Chapter 10: Be Flexible
Chapter 11: Ace the Interview
Closing Thoughts