The Human Factor: How Finding Your Dream Job Starts By Getting To Know Yourself


The Human Factor: How Finding Your Dream Job Starts By Getting To Know Yourself


It would help if you made a change, but it seems too daunting. You’re dissatisfied with your current career or life choices but fear that whatever you do will only make it worse. Fortunately, there is a way out of this self-defeating outlook – to embrace your humanity and tell yourself a story. Your story.
Brent M. Jones is a business executive and career development coach who developed strategies and motivated over 700 job seekers to help them land their dream job in the last few years. His personal experience and success within the business world have given him the uniquely human perspective behind building a career, and he is eager to share what he has learned.

In this inspiring book, Brent explores the importance of owning your life story to discover your true life’s path. Only taking an honest look within can help you efficiently make the best decisions for yourself and help you build your career with tools such as networking with informational interviews. This guide includes:
-Why staying curious and taking the time to learn about yourself and others is key to success and a sustained happiness
-How to find inspiration and motivation
-How to channel your energy toward finding your true purpose and then building a network
-How to use the information you learned to land the job you want through informational interviewing
-The superpower of gratitude and service to one another
Give yourself the respect you deserve, and be curious about yourself. Only an active and enduring personal development, willingness to learn, and empathy for others can help you build a successful and happy life and career.

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