Brent M. Jones - Connected Events Matter

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Polish all your skills continually not just when your looking for a job

Sharpen the saw and polish your skills as suggested by Stephen R. Covey and study your industry. Take an inventory of all your soft and hard skills to understand what you have. Be sure and identify all the skills required for your job. Determine which of those skills have been allowed to get out of date and are less valuable now. Some of those will be a problem as your industry changes. It is likely time to update and add new skills that complement what you have.

In addition to your current skills studying the industry will teach you what new skills are also needed in your career focus that you may need to learn. Some research will be required. You can use the informational interview approach to know what you need.

Identify others in the industry doing this, make an appointment to meet with them, and ask what skills they see emerging as necessary in your work. While doing this, learn about their company and point of view and add them to your network of contacts. If something happens that you can see would be of interest, then let your new network contact know and be a resource for them. Networking isn’t just about finding a job. It is also about staying current and connected in your profession. Spend some time fine-tuning your Soft Skills:

  1. Expand your vocabulary

2. Embrace the plain language

3. Defeat your fear of public speaking

4. Improve your writing with practice

5. Perfect your listening skills

6. Practice dignity and respect