Brent M. Jones - Connected Events Matter

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Informational Interviews are an important the 1st step in Finding a Job and Especially a Career Change!

When you apply for a job, be prepared to be interviewed, and when the time comes, don’t walk in without doing research. What you need to know is found by conducting your own “Informational Interviews.” Those interviews should occur with people in the same industry, the company where you will be applying, and people with similar jobs.

When you consider those in your target industry or the industry you have already worked in, consider the suppliers, competitors, and customers. Each has a unique perspective on the company and the job you will be applying for.

The more you know, the better your chances of getting the job and the more valuable you will be perceived to be in your job interview. Employers want qualified candidates, and if you know nothing about the industry, company, or job, how can you expect to be considered eligible? The informational interviews help you become qualified and ready.

Finding these contacts is what you ask your network of sources for help. You may not know someone working in your target areas, but someone in your existing network might, and that,t will enable you to call for a short meeting and open by saying that your network contact (by name) suggested talking to you them. You’ll need to treat an information interview appropriately. Just ask for a short time to ask some questions and learn a little about the person’s job and duties. Don’t take longer than you ask for, and don’t ask for a job during this time because you told your new contact you just wanted to ask questions.

If no one in your network can often point you towards someone working in the area you want to do interviews with, then ask if they know someone who might. You can call without a name reference, but you’ll be able to do your best to find a connection. This approach is research focused and will help you understand the industry and become exposed to the language and keywords of the industry.

If you set up and attend several informational interviews before applying for a job, you will find the interview will be far more successful.