Brent M. Jones - Connected Events Matter

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Messy Desks, Dirty Hands, don't Guarantee Success - but they might Help

Creative people are messy! Is this true? Ask yourself: have you ever painted a picture without making a mess? What happens when you write a fantastic story? You probably let the rest of your life go on hold for a while and just let your other duties pile up.

Albert Einstein said, “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” Creativity, by nature, is messy.

We often hear that great leaders are not afraid to get their hands dirty. The benefit of leadership is that it generates a strong work ethic, something the team will respect and establish as a standard in the future. Employees deserve this kind of commitment from their leaders.

A conclusion for these thoughts on being messy might be that all dirty people are creative or great leaders,s but that is not the case, so don’t expect to get ahead just because you are messy.