Brent M. Jones - Connected Events Matter

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Why Professionals Use LinkedIn for Networking and More

Optimizing, Focusing, and Keeping Your Profile Current

This book can help guide you through setting up your LinkedIn profile, but most people who read this book may already have a LinkedIn profile, so this overview also points to rechecking, updating, and making the profile the best it can be.

LinkedIn expects the profiles to be updated and updated on their platform to make status updates available to be picked up by search engines like Google. The profile must represent a current overview of who you are today, especially since it is your first contact point for many contacts. 

I have worked one-on-one with over 800 career-focused candidates.

It took me five years to accomplish this and each candidate seemed different. A lot was learned through this experience, and that was the motivation for this book

These candidates were already on LinkedIn but wanted to improve their profile and, in every case, found helpful ideas to improve what they had in place. The insight presented isn't just boilerplate professor-based ideas but real experience gathered with those needing help.

One of several important reasons this is needed is that people are estimated to change jobs 12 times over a career. Hence, the reality is that people will come back each time and ask what they can do to update and improve the way their profile resonates.