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The Red Earth Poems of New Mexico, by Alice Corbin

“Pretentious As It Sounds” wrote Tony Hillerman, “and tough as it is to prove, there does seem to be something about New Mexico which not only attracts creative people but stimulates their creativity”.

The poems of this book pull from and involve communities from throughout the state. The pictures follow the same approach and reflect a wide diversity. Alice Corbin was inspired by the people and the cultures they encountered especially from Northern New Mexico.

Alice Corbin was considered a modernist poet in the early part of the twentieth century with a national reputation. She lived and worked in Chicago and was a regular contributor to the Chicago Tribune and the Saturday Evening Post but her best poetry was written after for health reasons she moved to Santa Fe New Mexico.

Red Earth: Poems of New Mexico was first published in 1920 and reflected the poetic techniques of Native American myths and Hispanic culture. A newer edition including a biographical sketch of Corbin’s life and contributions to art and culture. 

This poem also included in the poetry section