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Maya's Story Slipping Between Time And Space A Novel by Diana Story

This book is considered young adult fantasy and it tells the story of a girl being prepared to battle sinister forces and save the world.  

Vida in 1962 fled Russia and came to America. She was 17 years old at that time. She had descended from an ancient Sisterhood and is a Druidic High Priestesses. She is now training her granddaughter Maya, who is 15 years old, to become the next High Priestesses and to fight for our troubled planet. She will have to fight the Dark Menace.  

Maya can be helped by the Constellations who seem like Gods watching from above, including Draco (Latin for dragon) and Monoceros (Greek for unicorn).

Vida and Maya train in the nearby forest and Maya learns, among other things,to slip through time and space.  The story includes references to much of the current day world’s troubles. 

A lot of her training is mind training but she does go through extensive physical training also. When the final battle takes place it results in terrible consequences. Humanity is saved in the end but remains imperfect and will need the help of the Sisterhood going forward. A lot to think about as comparisons to the world today.

Fiction and fantasy are great escapes and this story of Maya doesn't disappoint.