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Craft, A Life you Love by Amy Tangerine

Does loving what you do attract creativity? Does it feed your soul?

The book "A Life You Love by Amy Tangerine” discusses how to “craft a life and soul that you love.”  Amy asks, “what is it that we love?”  She then presents this quote from Howard Thurman, an influential African-American author, philosopher, theologian, educator, and civil rights leader. “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that because the world needs people who have come alive.”Amy makes you feel her love for her craft, which is an excellent book.

Thoughts on Creativity

Emotions and feelings fuel action and are discussed as tools to break through to the subconscious. The conclusion is evident that we need to find ways to think good thoughts and have good feelings. 

Leonardo da Vinci said that artists are "links in a chain.”  They build on what they find, and what they add becomes something the next artist can continue to build on. "Creativity" is what is added.

Connected Life Events flow from books, your creativity, and the invention of others.