Some Technology might be consider so basic that their use might be thought of as a Soft Skill

Soft skills are interpersonal or people skills that can be used in any job. These skills relate to how you work and interact with others, including communication, teamwork, and adaptability. IT soft skills may include interpersonal, problem-solving, organization, and teamwork skills.

Most of the technology we encounter at work is essential. The more accessible technology is and the more a person is expected to be able to use the technology, the more it might be labeled a soft skill. For example, using Social Media, office email, and even a virtual software platform is considered technology and soft skills.

Learning the basics in these cases is often considered necessary for anyone working at a particular business. These activities sometimes require a little extra work to learn, but you don’t want to be the only one in the room who doesn’t know how to use the technology because if you don’t have the skill, you immediately stand out as expendable. The least qualified person is not who you want to be.

Taking the time to learn puts you in a much stronger position. You may be able to help others, and then you become one of the most needed people in the room. You may stand out as someone who did a little extra preparation.

Soft Skills are the traits, characteristics, habits, and skills needed to survive and thrive in the modern work world.