Brent M. Jones - Connected Events Matter

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Add Passionate Positivity to Desires to Bring Success

If your goal is to improve, then adding more positivity to your goal can be achieved by:

"Be passionate about improving. Be passionate about helping others. Listen to your feelings”.

The Website “Brent M. Jones: Connected Events Matter” recently added these goals to the Home Page because they sum up the ideas of Personal Reinvention, Self-Improvement, and Finding Inspiration to become a better person. 

Things change once you embrace your goals with passion. Goals change your direction, and that changes who you are. Even if you start late in life, the change in plans will give you a different perspective when you look back. You will be able to see what you have accomplished, enabling you to see yourself differently. 

This thought from Brent M. Jones's book Finding the Best Version of Ourselves: The Interview of Self brings needed perspective to the improvement goal.

“First, You Are Human. We aren't broken any more than that. We are complete, intricate beings, each with our unique blend of strengths, vulnerabilities, and growth potential. Acknowledging that your journey will never be complete can free you from feeling overwhelmed with your perceived place in this world and the road ahead. This realization is a source of liberation, permitting you to embrace the continuous process of self-discovery and improvement without the weight of unrealistic expectations.”

This thought from the book Interviewing Yourself and Asking the Right Questions by Brent M. Jones also helps us see the starting point for personal change.

“If you want to change your life, start with your thoughts. It’s common to want to change but struggle to break out of familiar patterns leading to the same results.”

Passion is contagious and makes people want to say “yes” to us. It makes us want to say yes to ourselves.  Passion is more than desire; often, desire alone is not enough. Desire is general, and part of our outlook may lack power. It's about wanting something more and better for ourselves and our family. Passion is specific and can be developed. It's exciting how we get that better focus on desire. It brings enthusiasm about what that more and better is. Passion and desire go hand in hand, especially as a motivation.

The old saying “Be careful what you wish for” is essential when adding passion to desires. The combination works even when your desires are harmful, so make sure your desires and goals lead to improvement. Passion is going to take you somewhere.