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Writing a book requires several steps and the one that can be the hardest is the last one

With the recent release of my book, “Work Matters Insights and Strategies for Job Seekers in this Rapidly Changing Economy,” I have reflected on the most challenging part of writing and selling a book. I have listed items that qualify for this list.

  1. Step one is pulling your thoughts and notes together. Most will find this a time-consuming step. A recent book I wrote at the time of this post was “Work Matters, Insights and Strategies for Job Seekers in this Rapidly Changing Economy,” This first step took over a year.

  2. Editing, formatting, finding the right cover design, and production are challenging. Using KDP to produce the books requires learning their system. This is challenging.

  3. Learning how to set up a book on Amazon so it has a chance of selling is very challenging, and it will take a long time and trial and error to figure this out.

  4. Getting book reviews placed on Amazon is a very challenging process. People read the book and tell you they like it but don’t write a review.

  5. Marketing the book, including all efforts to get people to buy the book, is the most important, and it isn’t easy. You can help by purchasing the book and writing a review if you have read this overview.

    A conclusion from this Overview

    The work required to market a book can far exceed all the other items listed in this overview.