Brent M. Jones - Connected Events Matter

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Someone has to make the first move when you planning a job change

When you’re changing your life’s direction, it will often impact more than just yourself. Sometimes the person seen making the first move toward a new goal has an advantage, and then again, it can also be a disadvantage. The first move reveals a direction and sets up others to help or block the actions.

The first step should be clarifying your motivations and what aspects of expected changes will appeal most to you. That can mean that research has to be done. Analysis and internal examination of motives don’t need to be seen as a first step and don’t need to signal the coming changes to others.

The informational interview is an apparent 1st move. Consider the industry, the companies in the industry, and the job itself that might be of industry, and before you apply, work through these options asking for some time and then just listening. I think finding a position to apply for will help if you have some idea about the industry, companies, competitors, and trade jargon, and informational interviews can help.