Brent M. Jones - Connected Events Matter

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Finding Your Creative Potential through Open-Mindedness

It isn’t that open-minded people don’t have an opinion; just the opposite is true. The truth is that they are willing to listen to the views of others and are eager to be wrong and have their own beliefs and ideas challenged by listening to other points of view.

Open-minded people are willing to get out of their comfort zone. We can continue to grow by expanding our knowledge and experiences through being curious and adventurous. Open-minded people tend to be open to learning.

Open-mindedness leads to finding new ideas and viewpoints that can increase knowledge and understanding of a subject. This leads to an increased ability to problem-solve.

It’s hard to be creative when we believe there is only one way to do things. It’s hard to tolerate other things when we only accept one answer.

Being open-minded doesn’t mean that we avoid arguments but rather that we’re constantly challenging ideas, including our own. Instead of having solid opinions because that’s how we’ve been our whole life, what if we have strong views because we’ve challenged ourselves to listen and grow?

Being open to other ideas could lead to expanded creativity.