What is this Website About?

Connected events can be dynamic platforms where ideas converge, connections flourish, and experiences unfold.

The overall themes of this website are listed as categories and shown on the dashboard at the top of this page.

The Site Author’s “My Books” section has separate blogs for each book, including an overview, description, and other noteworthy things. The books cover several genres: Self-Help, Self-Esteem, Personal Transformation, Personal and Career Development, Life’s Journey, Memoir, Chance vs. Circumstance, and Literary Influences.

The Author Page introduces Brent M. Jones as an Author, Reader, Consultant, and Career Development Coach. The information differs from what is usually found in the author’s bio for the various books he has written. Instead, it lays out an entire career of experience and areas of focus to show the background that is the foundation the author draws from.

Literary Influence Section

This section features book reviews that have influenced the author's perspective on this site.

"Literature adds to reality; it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides, and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become." - C. S. Lewis.

Reach for LinkedIn When Life Pivots

This section has seperate blog sections for each of the 35+ topics, complimenting the theme of finding out who we are and where we are going.

Video Section Playlists:

Personal Reinvention, Positivity & Inspiration, Life-Changing Topics & Ideas, Communication Skills, Career Development, Brent M. Jones BooksReading Changes Self-Awareness Kindness & Doing Good Video Shorts

Book Reviews Section

All the books reviewed in this section were read & reviewed by the author.

Social Media Posts for Connected Events Matters

“Embrace the influence of your work, and your work will be your masterpiece.” - Brent M. Jones

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